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University Chatbots

Chatbots in Higher Education

Our custom-built chatbots and conversational marketing strategies for universities and colleges make it easy for students to complete applications, find courses, plan events, book open days, and find answers to questions in messaging channels they already use every day.

university bot marketing

Popular use cases

Chatbots for colleges & universities


Create a conversational experience that captures student information and provides personalised course recommendations based on their answers.

Student Support

Always answering the same questions? A chatbot can retrieve course information, timetables & classroom availability. It can save you countless staff hours and boosts student care.


Design a conversational campaign to assist A level students during results days. Help prospective students find the right course through clearing and boost your student intake.

Campus Information

Classroom locations, student hall details, parking & transportation availability, sporting & social event details can all be packaged within your messenger chatbot.

Alerts & Updates

You can send personalised and very granular updates to all the people who have engaged with your messenger bot as well as broadcast to everyone at once.

Boost Intake

Boost student intake by allowing prospective students to easily book and plan their open day visit via Messenger, Instagram or WhatsApp. Send follow-up messages to improve conversions.

Free University Chatbot Template​

Get your free higher education template at! Sign up for free and instantly deploy across Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, and your website. AI chatbots for universities can enhance student and faculty engagement by providing instant answers to questions, streamlining administrative services, and improving overall communication efficiency.

Meet Where Your Students Are

These messaging channels provide businesses the opportunity to tap into their powerful ad targeting capabilities which can be scaled using messaging automation.

Messenger Bot For Universities

Facebook Messenger is popular amongst all age groups, including students. It is one of the largest messaging platforms in the world, with over 1 billion monthly active users.

Instagram DM Automation

Instagram is the most downloaded social media app in the world with almost 2 billion downloads. Over 400 million monthly active users use Instagram’s direct message feature.

Higher Education WhatsApp Bot

Use a WhatsApp chatbot to provide real-time one-to-one assistance at scale. With over 2 billion monthly active users, it is the largest messaging platform in the world.

Google Business Messages

Shorten your customer’s path to conversion by engaging them with automated personal messages in their moment of need on Google Search and Maps.

Why universities are investing in AI, messaging automation and chat marketing

Universities are spending millions on marketing to attract students. Chatbots can act as customer relationship tools that can be used for sales, brand building and retention.

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Student Recruitment

A marketing chatbot decreased the cost per enrolled student by 38%, saving tens of thousands in marketing costs.

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engagement rates

Higher education email campaigns have an average open rate of 21% compared to 88% for higher education chat marketing campaigns

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Mobile-First Strategy

97% of Gen Z and 93% of Millennial's own a smartphone, and on an average day, they spend over four hours using it online.

Recent Partnerships

These companies and many more like them have worked with Chit Chat to harness the power of online conversations.

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facebook messenger marketing chatbot guide

Download our latest chat marketing guide

Learn how businesses are transforming their social messaging channels into powerful marketing tools.

Includes case studies, practical insights, interviews and best practices.


See How We’ve Transformed Businesses Like Yours

Our case studies span multiple sectors, showcasing how we’ve boosted conversions, productivity, customer satisfaction, and ROI.