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5 Big Brand Examples: Using Chatbots For Customer Service

5 Big Brand Examples: Using Chatbots For Customer Service

Consumers can now pay for food, read news articles and blogs, get recommendations, pay for flights and hotels, and do almost every other thing you can think of.
Businesses are now engaging and interacting more with their clients. And the best part is, it’s still growing. More brands are adopting the use of chatbots on a daily basis, and statistics show that customers are loving it.
To give you a better perception of what we’re talking about, here are five top brands that are using chatbots to change the way they interact with their clients and customers.

It’s important to understand that a business doesn’t need to choose between offering their customers a chatbot or having human operators to interact with.

Ryan Dearlove – Chit Chat Agency Founder


Did you know that you can easily pay for snacks and drinks at Starbucks just by texting or using voice commands?

The Starbucks app has an integrated chatbot that makes this possible. The bot notifies you when your order is ready. It even tells you the total cost as well as the time it will take to get your order ready.


Listening to music has just been made easier with Spotify. You can chat and play your songs without leaving Facebook Messenger.

The company’s Messenger bot makes it easy for users to listen to, share, and search for their favourite music tracks.

spotify facebook bot

You even get playlist recommendations that are based on the genre you listen to, what your mood is, or what you’re doing at the moment – now that’s smart!


Do you want to purchase stuff from Subway, Cheesecake Factory or perhaps a cheeky Nandos? If so, there’s an easy way to do this on Facebook Messenger. With Masterpass, you can easily purchase everything you want from MasterCard’s partners. The brand’s Facebook Messenger bot even allows you to get an overview of what your account transactions look like. For instance, you can simply ask the bot “how much did I spend last week?” and it will send you an overview of your account transactions.


LYFT is all about convenience, that is why they integrated a chatbot into Slack and Facebook Messenger.

So, whether you are at work or just having fun, calling for a ride is easy. These bots will provide you with the driver’s information, such as the car’s model, driver’s name, and a picture of the license plate.

lyft facebook bot

The bot will also provide the driver with your location making it easy for them to pick you up. You can also use voice commands via Amazon Echo.


Staples, in partnership with IBM’s Watson, created Easy System, an intelligent system that helps with customer service. With the brand’s Messenger bot, you can easily get answers to common FAQs about your orders, returns, tracking, and stocked items.

Why Smart Businesses Are Investing in Chatbots and Messenger Marketing

Why Smart Businesses Are Investing in Chatbots and Messenger Marketing

Download our free e-book to discover how smart businesses are turning browsers into buyers using Facebook Messenger and unique conversational experiences.

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