Collection: 25 Of The Funniest Design Jokes


Collection: 25 Of The Funniest Design Jokes

Isn’t laughter the best darn medicine? People say that each day without laughter is a wasted day! And we think they’re right. We’ve been counting on it when we came up with these funniest design jokes to make your day. There’s so much worry and misery spread all over the world, while life is so short and time passes so fast. This is why it is often said that life is way too short to spend it just worry and loathing.

Even for designers! That’s right. Designers should laugh more often too and this is exactly what we’ve planned for you ahead in this article that we’ve managed to fill with these funniest design jokes that only a designer can relate to.

Every time you stretch a font, you basically destroy its dimensions and the text ends up looking ugly. This creates a sense of disorganization in the whole image and disturbs the eye of readers. This is generally a huge relatable nightmare for a professional graphic designer and hence considered as one of the funniest design jokes among designers.


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